Dermal Fillers Aftercare

Dermal Fillers can be used to reduce common signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. These are also used to add volume to sagging or sunken areas of the face and neck. Dermal fillers are safe and effective, and allergic reactions to them are very uncommon. However, there is a chance of bruising, redness, and some swelling after the treatment. If you follow the after-care instructions and take simple precautions before the procedure, your healing will be a breeze.

Avoid Blood Thinners and Similar Medications

Once you’ve undergone a dermal filling procedure, the last thing you need is anything getting in the way of the healing process. The platelets found in your blood keep bruising from occurring, and they also help with the blood-clotting process. Some prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers can slow down the movement of platelets in your bloodstream.

If you are taking prescription blood thinners like Apixaban and Edoxaban, talk to your doctor about stopping them a few days before and after the procedure. Also, avoid taking OTC pain medications like Advil and Ibuprofen before and after the procedure, since these have mild blood-thinning effects as well. Health supplements like St. John’s Wort, Ginko Biloba, turmeric, flaxseed oil and other oils that are high in omega-3 fatty acids should be avoided as well.

Don't Drink Just Before or After Treatment

Alcohol should also be avoided for a day before and a day after the procedure. Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your arteries and veins, which leads to increased blood flow. You want your blood flow to remain normal so that your blood has a chance to clot. Healing to the areas of your face and neck that have been treated will then occur normally, and you are sure to be more satisfied with the results.

Apply Ice Before and After Treatment

Applying an ice pack to the treated area(s) is a good idea, both before and after the treatment. Using ice before the procedure will numb the area and reduce the discomfort that comes with the needles used for filling. Applying an ice pack after the procedure will help constrict the blood vessels and arteries. This slows down the flow of blood to the treated areas, which helps with clotting and speedy healing.

Abstain From Strenuous Exercise for Awhile

It’s okay to return to your normal daily activities immediately after the procedure, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for a while. Strenuous exercise speeds up the flow of blood in your arteries and veins, and that can get in the way of the healing process. Although it’s healthy to exercise regularly, avoid it the day before and for two days after the filling procedure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In some treatments there is a small risk that the dermal filler will press on small blood vessels causing a reduced circulation of blood to the skin. This can lead to tissue damage and possibly scarring. If you experience prolonged pain in the area injected and/or a change in skin colour (paleness, white or dusky grey discolouration as opposed to the purplish/red colour of a bruise) within 24 hours after your treatment, please contact your cosmetic practitioner immediately for advice via phone or Text.